Mental Health, Wellbeing and Addiction
Below are some useful resources which you may find helpful if you are currently facing mental health difficulties. Our aim is for these resources to give you hope that your situation can be improved, and to guide you to develop coping strategies to meet your individual needs.
We understand that every person is different. Other resources are available, but we have provided those that we feel may be more beneficial and offer you choice. If you cannot find something from the resources that you feel suits your needs, then please discuss your concerns with your GP.
Stop Smoking Services
Superdrug Woolston and Sangha Pharmacy are both offering 8 week courses for those wanting to stop smoking.
Steps 2 Wellbeing
Video: What is Steps 2 Wellbeing?
Refer yourself for an assessment here
Helpful resources
Here are some resources you can download which contain helpful information.
Enhanced Mental Health Primary Care Team (EMHPCT)
Take part in short 20 minute sessions to make sense of life's challenges. The goal is find new ways of coping.
Mindfulness Drop-In Sessions 1 (PDF, 2.70MB)
Mindfulness Drop-In Sessions 2 (PDF, 236KB)
NHS Links
Links to Mental Health Information

No Limits
Mental Health and addiction support for those under 26 years

Change Grow Live
Drug & alcohol services (26+ years)

Finance and Debt
Links to websites for managing finances and debt

Mental Health Emergencies
Always call 999 if there is an immediate risk to life.
Samaritans are available 24/7 on 116 123

Childrens Mental Health
These are resources aimed at children
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Young people's mental health
Child and adolescent public resources
Here is a link to an popular book on how to transform your relationship with your child.

Anxiety UK
Provides information and support to people suffering from anxiety disorders.
Infoline: 0844 477 5774 Text service: 07537 416905
Anxiety Care UK
Provides information and support to those suffering from anxiety. For emotional support please email
Mindfulness - finding peace in a frantic world. Free meditations and mindfulness resources.
No Panic
Specialises in self-help recovery and services including providing people with the skills they need to manage their condition and work towards recovery, enabling them to lead more fulfilled lives.
Crisis number for 24/7 recording of breathing techniques – 01952 680835.
Confidential helpline 10.00am to 10.00pm – 0844 967 4848 has advice and self-help worksheets to support you to cope with a range of symptoms.
Get around the clock support from a therapist to help you cope with stress and emotion. This is a free service.
Silver Cloud
Silver Cloud offers an eight week course to help you manage stress, anxiety and depression at your own pace. This is a free service.
Reading Well
Reading Well supports you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using helpful reading.
Young Minds
Young Minds is a national charity supporting children and young people’s mental health. Information on different c nditions as well as ideas on how to look after your mental health.
Website –
ChildLine is a free and confidential service where you can talk about anything.
Telephone: 0800 111 has useful information about getting help with depression.
Stem4 is a charity promoting positive mental health in teenagers as well as building resilience via online resources.