We are research active – what does this mean?
Conducting high quality clinical research helps us to keep improving NHS care by finding out what treatments work best and to help improve our clinical decision making.
As a practice we are keen to participate in research to improve future care. In order to do this, we need you, as patients to participate.
You may therefore be asked if you would like to participate in a clinical research study, either in person when you attend the surgery or via a letter in the post. Alternatively, if you have heard about a study and wonder whether you are eligible and would like to consider taking part, then please ask your nurse or Doctor to find out more.
Participating in research is optional and it is important to be aware that you are under no obligation in which to participate. However you may well find it a rewarding experience to help shape the future care in the NHS.
How do I find out the results of research studies that I participate in?
Some studies will inform you directly as a patient, the outcomes of a particular study. However, this is not always the case and it can take many months and if not years for us to be informed the results of some studies. We will endeavour as a practice to inform our patients of any studies once we know them.
What studies are currently be undertaken at The Old Fire Station?
We have several studies currently running and we have listed these below. We will aim to keep this list as updated as possible.
PROMDEP - Depression (DOCX, 15KB)
Support Back2 – non-specific low back pain (PDF, 322KB)
ATTACK – chronic kidney disease (DOCX, 14KB)
BEE – emollients for childhood eczema
Empathica (PDF, 312KB)
RENEWED - cancer (PDF, 308KB)
SIBIMS – Bladder infections and the brain (PDF, 321KB)
If you would like more information on the research we are currently participating in please ask to speak with Kathy Chamberlain at the Surgery.
Studies no longer recruiting or inactive
No longer recruiting - MULTICATH For intermittent catheter users (PDF, 165KB)
No longer recruiting - CANDID CANcer DIagnosis Decision rules study (PDF, 281KB)
No longer recruiting - LOCATE LOcal CAre and Treatment Evaluation (Liver disease) (PDF, 168KB)
No longer recruiting - FAST Four-Fold Asthma Study (PDF, 169KB)
No longer recruiting - Home BP (PDF, 169KB)
No longer recruiting - Endobarrier (PDF, 171KB)
No longer recruiting - SIMS (Multiple Sclerosis study being carried out by the MS society) (PDF, 173KB)
No longer recruiting - NIPPER (PDF, 189KB)
No longer recruiting - FAME Acute Fatigue and Management in everyday practice (PDF, 193KB)
No longer recruiting - INEXIS Asthma Study (PDF, 189KB)
No longer recruiting - DIPPS Self management Asthma Study (PDF, 179KB)
No longer recruiting - CLASP Feasability Study (PDF, 189KB)
No longer recruiting - ARRISA At Risk Register Integrated into Primary Care to Stop Asthma crises in the UK (PDF, 187KB)
We recently asked out patient group what they felt about us as a surgery undertaking research, please see the following positive summary of results. Research Questionnaire results summary (PDF, 121KB)