Here, you will find a list of services provided by either ourselves or external means.
You can use the links or phone numbers provided to refer yourself rather than contacting us.
You don't need an appointment to refer yourself for the following:
- Audiology
- Midwife
- Physiotherapy
- Therapy for mental health conditions
You can self-refer for an audiology assessment by completing and emailing one of the following forms:
Child (under 16) Self-Referral Form (DOC, 76KB)
Adult Self-Referral Form (DOCX, 81KB)
The email addresses and phone numbers required are found within the forms.
Bladder and Bowels
Here is a team that are based in Bitterne that includes bladder & Bowel nurse specialists who are all advanced clinical practitioners in conservative therapies for bladder and bowel problems.
You can contact either of these numbers to self refer:
02380 718833
0300 123 3795
For more information, please visit their website
If you feel your child needs a more comprehensive specialist mental health support, then please use the link below to self-refer to our local CAMHS service.
CAHMS is the name for the NHS services that assess and treat young people with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties. CAHMS support covers depression, problems with food and eating, self-harm, abuse, violence or anger, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and anxiety, among other difficulties. Their homepage has lots of information about anxiety, depression and ADHD in children!

Health and Wellbeing
Our Health and Wellbeing service provides help to increase you mental and physical wellbeing. Some of the tyical topics would be:
- Diet/Nutrition
- Exercise
- Sleep
- Smoking
If this interests you, use the link below to fill out our self referral form.
Self referral form

Midwife Self Referral
If you are 6+ weeks pregnant you can refer yourself to the midwife

The Solent MSK team offer a range of self-help and specialist services to help you with a range of joint, muscle and bone disorders including:
- Physiotherapy
- Onward referral for scans and orthopaedic specialists, if appropriate
- Persistent Pain
- Arthritis & Rheumatology
- Chronic Fatigue
The MSK self-referral service closes outside of their operational hours. Self-referral is open and available to complete Monday 8:00 am through to Friday 4:00 pm. The service is also closed to self-referrals on Bank Holidays.
Find the self-referral form here
The Deaf Health Charity
The Deaf Health Charity - SignHealth are a charity that aim to improve the health and wellbeing of Deaf people.
They offer an array of services and are partnered with the NHS to take on projects and raise awareness. Visit their site using this link where you can self refer and find out more information.
Self-referral page

Vasectomy services
From the 1st April 2024, the vasectomy services for Hampshire and Isle of Wight moved to Mid Hampshire Healthcare Limited (MHH) and vasectomy and is now patient self-referral.
Referrals can be made through this self-referral link or GPs can make a referral through ERS if this is still preferred.